Saturday, 26 June 2010

Literatura Germana

Anne Frank - The diary of a young girl
Emmanuel Kant - Critique of Power of Judgement
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - The Antichrist
Herman Hesse - Siddahrta
Herman Hesse - Jocul cu margele de sticla
J.W.Goethe - Suferintele tanarului Werther
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe - Faust
Thomas Mann - Moarte la Venetia
Thomas Mann - Muntele vrajit
Michael Ende - Povestea fara sfarsit


  1. lit. germ. Parfumul de Patrick Suskind. o carte nemaipomenita (a stat la baza filmului Parfumierul)!

  2. de ce anne frank e la lit. germana?
    fata a fost olandeza parca

  3. As recomanda Berhnard Schlink- Der Vorleser, care a stat la baza filmului The Reader.
